Recount Text # 1

Bagi yang anda yang merasa ada tugas bahasa inggris untuk mencari cerita Recount Text di Internet. Disinilah tempatnya. Setiap waktu mungkin saya bisa mengupdate Recount Text. Dan di bawah ini adalah contoh recount text yang pertama saya buat.


Sick Hero
One day when I wanted to back to my home. I felt dizzy and sick. Because result from math examination from my school. But, I still did my activities when I was sick. In middle journey to my house (likely), I found a money. But not valuable to me. Because it were 1 cent coin. So, I forgot about that. I straight to walked to my home.
I felt more dizzy and more sick (I think it’s ill). I was slowen my walk like snail. I went across the zebra cross and through the shop and market (Like a song from Dragonforce called “Through Fire and Flame”). I met my old friend in my old friend from elementary school. I think you knew if I was school in High School ? So I chat with my friend and I can’t spoke with him about my sickness that I felt. Several minutes later (almost 15 minutes), I finished my chat with my old friend and straight walked again to my home.
Suddenly, when I neared to the Money Credit Machine. I found a hole in there. I felt very VERY dizzy, sick, and confuse. I think a thief was stealing a lot of money in Money Credit Machine. I wanted to calling police but I didn’t knew where I could found police station in here and I didn’t knew about emergency number to calling police. So, I straight to walked to my home. Suddenly, between 2 walked road that in side were avenue, I was collide with someone in the side of avenue. I saw him and he brought a big bag. And he immediately ran straight forward. But, in his bag has a small hole. When I saw it, it were a paper and a paper is flew from his bag and it were a money !!! And he were a thief.
I chased him. He were very fast to catched him. Luckly, I was brought my skateboard in my backpack. But, when I wanted to use it, in the side walked road there was police to chased a thief. I can’t hold peace to chase a thief. But I felt little dizzy and sick. I went to catch a thief. Many 4 roads in there. So I followed a thief road. Luckly again, he didn’t drive a car. So it were very easy catch him. And finally, I could knock out a thief with my skilled skateboard. Police were coming and catched a thief. Police thanked to me about catched a thief and Police rewarded me a 20 dollars and a medal.
After the incident. I not felt dizzy and sick. I could continued my journey to home with my skateboard. About money from police I saved it to my money box and I used my money again to bought a Nintendo Dual Screens.

Silahkan copy dan paste di buku tugas anda jika anda mempunyai tugas mencari Recount Text di Internet. Karena ini merupakan karangan saya sendiri.

Ditulis oleh: Wahyu Dwi Lesmono DSMLMD Blog Diposting pukul: 5:44:00 pm


  1. Dik recount text anda masih banyak yang salah tata bahasanya. saya koreksi dan sudah saya cantumkan diblog saya di
    Kalau mau kopi yang sudah saya koreksi silahkan. tapi kalo ini tugas untuk guru biarkan apa adanya.

  2. kalimat keduanya fragment....

  3. banyak kalimatnya fragment......

  4. dik,, kalimatnya banyak fragment... diprbaiki secepatnya lo smpt yaw,,br jd bner


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